
Dress Code


  • Navy polo (long or short sleeves)
  • Khaki pants, shorts or skirts


  • Navy polo (long or short sleeves)
  • Khaki pants or shorts

Gym Uniform:

  • Blue sweat pants, Yellow t-shirt.


Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Most subjects are taught in sequence, requiring the understanding of each concept in the order of its presentation. Persistent absenteeism creates a gap in the student’s acquisition of knowledge, which frequently leads to lower grades. Excessive unexcused absences are reported to truancy court.

The following reasons are the only recognized excuses for school absences:

  • Personal illness
  • Family illness
  • Religious holiday

***Students must bring in a note following their absence explaining the reason for the absence.

Early Dismissal

All students are expected to remain in school for the entire day. Appointments to the dentist and doctor should be made after 3:05 PM.

  • No child will be dismissed early without a note to the teacher
  • All parents must visit the office first and sign the Early Dismissal sign-out book
  • All students will be dismissed from the office
  • No student will be released after 2:00 PM
  • Parent/Guardian must have current and valid ID

Cancellation of School

Cancellation of school takes place only during extraordinary circumstances such as:

  • Extreme weather
  • Equipment failure
  • Public crisis

The school board, academic area officers and administrators are aware of the hardship which can be caused by an abrupt cancellation. Therefore, school will not be cancelled unless a significant safety risk has been created by unusual circumstances.

Every practical means is used to notify parents of an impending cancellation, including radio and TV. In the unusual circumstance where school must be cancelled during the school day, teachers will determine that all students have satisfactory supervision at their home before releasing them from school.

Please be sure that the office has the correct work. home, and emergency numbers for your child in case of emergency.

Change of Address

It is very important, for emergency and administrative reasons, that every student maintain an up-to-date address record at the school office. Notify the school immediately if you have a change of address during the school year.  Call the school office at 215-684-5074.

Doctor & Dentist Appointments

Schedule doctor and dentist appointments outside of school hours. When this is not possible, students will be excused for these special appointments.

***Please remember to bring a note in from a doctor or dentist.

Emergency Information


Fire drills are conducted once each month. Detailed plans are posted inside of the door of each classroom. For fire drills each class has an escape route to an outside area that is a safe distance from the building. Children are escorted to these designated areas in less than 75 seconds in a safe, quiet and orderly manner.  A detailed emergency plan is available in the school office.

Student Emergency Files

In case of emergency each student is required to have on file at the school office the following information:

  • Parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s)
  • Complete and up-to-date address
  • Home phone number and parent(s) work phone number
  • Emergency phone number of a relative of friend
  • Physician’s name and phone number
  • Medical alert information

Field Trips

Field trips within our city and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by various classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the school district curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community.

  • Parents will receive notices of field trips well in advance of the scheduled trip date
  • Parents must sign field trip permission forms
  • Parents provide their child with a small amount of money to pay for transportation and facility use costs
  • Parents are encouraged to attend field trip outings with their children.


Fighting is strictly forbidden in the school!

Breaking this rule could result in being assigned to Saturday school or suspension from school. A  conference with the student’s parents will be required.


Homework is important! It is an extension of the learning that takes place in school. Homework can provide practice and drill that reinforces classroom learning and can provide opportunities for independent study, research and creative thinking.

Parents can help their children by arranging a quiet comfortable place for the students to work and by seeing that assignments are completed.

Illness Related Policies

Illness and Injury (Occurring in School)

In case of illness or injury a child will be cared for temporarily by the school nurse or a member of the school staff. School personnel will render first aid treatment only. If emergency medical treatment is necessary the parents will be contacted. If parent is not available the child will be taken to the emergency room of the closest hospital.

An emergency telephone number where parents can be reached, and the name and telephone number of student’s family doctor must be on file at the school.


When your child is ill the evening before or day of school, please keep him/her at home.

Please keep your child home if they:

  • Run a fever
  • Vomit
  • Experience diarrhea
  • Display other cold/flu related symptoms

They need at least 24 hours rest before returning to school. A note is required after all absences.

School Concerns

When a parent feels he/she has a school concern or problem, it should be addressed directly with the person involved. If the situation is not resolved, the next proper recourse is consulting with the Principal. We would appreciate cooperation from all parents regarding this procedure.

When contacting the Principal you may come into the school, call or send e-mail. When coming into the school, we recommend that you make an appointment to prevent having to wait. Please call 215-400-7550 to schedule an appointment with the Principal.

20-21 Parent and Student Handbook